The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Knowledge (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The third group of blessings. Blessing Seven :- Artfulness in Knowledge
The Origin of the Singalovada Sutta
Once upon a time, there was young man named Singala who was extremely arrogant. Singala did not listen to his parents’ advice despite the fact they were already enlightened beings-thus he had no idea of right or wrong.
Feng Shui
Karma that happens in this life is the effect from actions that we did in previous life. One of the Norway ladies was sent out to a foster home since she was 3 months old and had no chance to be close with her mom. She had to move along with her dad for 12 times until she was used to separation and lack of warmness from people of close relationship. What retribution caused her life to be like this? And, why can her daughter sense which house is livable or no?
Most people say that the fourth precept is particularly difficult to strictly observe, especially for those who are merchants. Are there any strategies to keep the fourth precept pure and chaste?
Most people say that the fourth precept is particularly difficult to strictly observe, especially for those who are merchants like myself. I would therefore like to ask Luang Por if there are any strategies to keep the fourth precept pure and chaste?
Sty in The Eye
Her father does not believe in hell and heaven but he donates for the Kathina merit and robe offerings at various temples. He still drinks alcohol and smokes cigarettes. Will the merit that he did occasionally made in his present life close the path to hell for him? What kamma caused her to have a sty in her eye every year and develop eye infections frequently? DMC has the answers.